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Listen, your family session doesn’t have to be stressful. When you book with Marie Day Photography, I will make sure you’re prepared. I’m going to give you the tools you need to prepare your family in advance so we will have a successful and FUN family session together! Today on the blog, I’m sharing a checklist of what to pack in your bag for your family session.
What to Pack in Your Bag
Extra Outfits for Your Littles
Accidents happen and you never know when your kiddo will want to have fun jumping in a puddle, playing in the mud or falling in the grass. It’s best to have an extra outfit on hand just in case!
Extra Pair of Shoes for You
I know you want to show off your fancy new shoes! That’s great! Pro Tip: Pack an extra pair of comfy shoes to walk from the car to where we’ll be beginning the session and from location to location. Your feet will thank you!
Tissues and Wipes
Tissues and wipes are great for littles! You never know when they’ll sneeze or have a runny nose. Wipes are great for their hands so they won’t get dirt on their outfit or your outfit that you worked so hard to pick out for them.
Lastly, bring your kid’s favorite snacks with you! Kids are always hungry and snacks make great bribes for smiles. Make sure the snacks you pack are not messy. Save chocolate for after the session. I recommend Puffs for babies and fruit snacks for toddlers. You know your kiddo best! What do they love snack to on?
Now that you know what to pack in your bag, are you ready to book your next session? I’d love to see you! Reach out HERE to book your next session with Marie Day Photography!

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